Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Do you speak English?

One of the gorgeous sites in Vienna- inside Schonbrunn Palace!
   These few days in Austria (and Slovakia) have been fun and enjoyable. Right now I'm sitting at the airport in Vienna waiting for my flight to Sofia, Bulgaria where I'll be working for the next 10 days. 

    In the mean time, let me share a few adventures from the past few days: 

 There are some new & old friends with me here in Vienna- all make up the assigned team for the camp in Bulgaria. Namely- Madi Smith who is my program side kick and Kristin Farren who is a Wolfpack girl now in Colorado. The rest of the friends are new to me and work in YL camping in Colorado. 

We visited Schonbrunn Palace on Monday. Madi and I took the tour of the inside (pics below) and we all enjoyed a beautiful day around Vienna. The highlights were the delicious desserts. (I did try the Wiener Schnitzel but didn't love it... it's veal. I didn't know either) 

We also heard several musicians around the city - cellos, violins, accordions. It was nice to hear music in the city where music was born.

The Vienna Opera house! 

   Lots of horse-drawn carriages around Vienna! Enjoy more pictures at the bottom of the page. 
We also spent a day in Bratislava, Slovakia- a short one hour train ride from Vienna. It was nice to only spend 15 Euros to get there and to see a place where some of my dear friends, Michelle and Pavol Segedy lived!

We loved Slovakia. The people were nice and the city of Bratislava has lots of character and beautiful buildings, squares and cobblestone streets. Enjoy the pictures below: 

Old European charm in Bratislava.

Bratislava is just a cute little city.

The Castle overlooking Bratislava. There are
ruins there that date back to
the 900's and it offers a majestic view over
 the entire city and the Danube River.

Lisa and Kristin having a little fun at the castle in Bratislava.

 Here are some other pictures from our time in Austria! It's been a fun start to the trip & I look forward to my time in Bulgaria, the town of Pernik to be exact. It's near Sofia. (google it)

Inside St. Stephan's Church in Vienna.

Inside Schonbrunn Palace. It's a gorgeous home &
reminded me a lot of Versailles. It was "grown" into
it's grand state by Maria Threse,
the mother of Marie Antoinette.

selfie at Schonbrunn :) 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your blog post and have fun traveling in my backyard :)
