Sunday, November 17, 2013


This morning at church I saw a man singing with joy, raising his hands, huge smile on his face, to the lyrics, "I am bound for promised land." I love that song (On Jordan's Stormy Banks) because it talks about the promise we have to look forward to when earth passes away and when we leave this painful, troublesome, sinful life for the one where there are no more tears, no more pain and where only God and His goodness abound. 

A visitor at church this morning, seeing this man, might've thought, what a sweet picture of a happy man, but I happen to know this man is dying of cancer. And what I saw was not dismay or sadness about his deteriorating health or impending death. I saw pure confidence- confidence in the Father, in His promises, in the fact that indeed, sooner than later, he would be in the promised land with Jesus. 

That is the confidence that we all long for. Everyone feels it. Some of us think it's worldly confidence or success or maybe even wealth that will satisfy the longing. Something to fill us up. However, what this man knows is that it's not a filling up but an emptying. An emptying of all things this world has, all things that cause pain- envy, greed, laziness, sin, hatred, dead-end relationships- and a filling up of the Holy Spirit. That's where we will find this confidence- one that brings no fear in life or death.  

Every now and then we get a glimpse of this confidence- singing praise songs, seeing a breathtaking view of God's creation, when someone is truly selfless. I see it at Young Life camp and when I'm studying scripture. And we ask, what is it? Why do I "feel" it at those times? Well, it's because we've emptied ourselves and opened the door for Jesus to be the center, the fulfillment, the focus. 

Everything else, everyone else, will leave you longing for more. They will leave you in a place of insecurity and wariness. Everything else, everyone else, will make you question and search and thirst. Jesus alone fulfills.

A few months ago, I heard a friend say that what changed his life was when his mentor said to him, "if you're going to live like heaven and hell don't exist, you better be absolutely sure." If you are in Christ, you can be sure. And that will radically change your life here and your life for eternity. I guess my question for your is, are you absolutely sure? Does your life show confidence or insecurity? 

And we don't know when that life will end. We don't know when that confidence, that surety will come into question. So as I was reminded by my pastor this morning, what if you knew it was today? Would you argue, complain, cheat, be lazy? Or would you share, serve, love, enjoy? Since we don't know what day or what hour we will take our last breath, let's live in that confidence that comes in Christ alone, being joyful even in sorrow, being secure even in trouble. (Matthew 24:36-44)  

 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, 
 and cast a wishful eye 
 to Canaan's fair and happy land, 
 where my possessions lie. 

 (Chorus) I am bound for the promised land, 
 I am bound for the promised land; 
 oh, who will come and go with me? 
 I am bound for the promised land. 
 O'er all those wide extended plains 
 shines one eternal day; 
 there God the Son forever reigns, 
 and scatters night away. 
 No chilling winds or poisonous breath 
 can reach that healthful shore; 
 sickness and sorrow, pain and death, 
 are felt and feared no more. 

 When I shall reach that happy place, 
 I'll be forever blest, 
 for I shall see my Father's face, 
 and in his bosom rest.